One of the greatest parts about the last race was the number of people we reached and connected with through the blog and the race, from new friends to old friends to total strangers. So if you know of anyone who might be interested in what we're doing, please share, and invite, and include...

The blog from our 2011 race can be found at

Thursday 23 January 2014

Day 19 – Chasing Clouds

We have begun our descent upon Rio, and have finally found the fairer winds that our faster competitors have had for the majority of the race. A good comparison to this race would be that of flying Nigerian airlines. The baggage allowance is minimal, our take off and ascent were bumpy as hell. Once we reached cruising (or racing) altitude (latitude), things were great. The in-flight entertainment was non-existent but the pilot let you fly the plane occasionally. The meals weren’t that bad, but could occasionally make you sick.

We have no access to news or current affairs here, but we have some of our own. In headlines: The cookie thief has been caught! I don’t think Kathryn properly addressed the crime committed by our fellow crew member. The accused is Brennan Robinson. He has been charged with thievery of the highest order. The evidence against the biscuit embezzler was found last night. In the pocket of his foul weather top was a pack of Oreos, of which our supplies were ransacked! When confronted with the crime, he claimed to be innocent, but the local authorities had taken him in, for they know the severity of snack stealing. We tried to pin Michaela in as his accomplice, but she was far shrewder than her watch-partner. All the snacks that she had embezzled were either eaten or stashed far away. We were however able to fine her with cookie corruption, because of the assisting role that she played. They were both tried accordingly. The judge, jury and prosecutors all consisted of those who were aggrieved by the ransacking of the snack packet. The biscuit embezzlers were found guilty, and sentenced to three days of bilge cleaning.

The birds of South America have been spotted! Many different types of flappy unknown sea-birds were in the sky. You could tell that they were not deep sea birds by the frequency of their wing flaps. (Usually, the further out to see you go, the bird species tend to glide rather than flap). This is a sign that the South American coast is getting closer. Another sign is that the phosphorescence in the water has returned. Their bright glow illuminating from the wake of the boat is even more pronounced given the lack of moonlight from our ever waning moon.

Squall chasing could be the bane of my life. As it was for many a Mohican. For those of you who are confused, squall clouds (big puffy rain clouds) move across the water, and bring a fair amount of wind. The name of the game is to intercept them. But these clouds are malevolent and conniving. Their aim is to leave you in their windless wake. If one latches onto one of these clouds, they are given a huge speed advantage if not... you’re left to bob.

Today was such a day. I won’t go into any detail; let’s just say we were left to sit. There was so little wind that we had to resort to ghosting (dropping the mainsail and sailing under only the spinnaker). Until this point Michaela’s pleas for a swim had fallen upon deaf ears, and it seemed as if today might have been the right time. Finally, she was given permission, but just as she changed into her costume, and came back on deck, the wind picked up and we were off again. Her next swim will have to be at Copacabana.

Here’s to hoping for a smooth landing!



  1. Day 19 - lovely written article Ryan

  2. I have tried so many times to send responses to your various articles in the blog but am not too sure if they reached you. I know that the one above did enter successfully so now I know that my message sending is not in vain. Enjoy the last leg of the trip.
    Allan Rosenberg "GRAYLAG"

  3. Ryan, you paint a wonderful picture. Hope your English teacher has access to these blogs. Happy landings!

  4. She does. She's popping with pride and won't admit to him having any natural aptitude or talent! - your English teacher.

  5. Hmmm...... I smell a (rat) conflict of interest. It was Ryan who "found" the cookies, Ryan that appears to have been the prosecutor, Ryan that has the snacking record/ history and Ryan that is reporting. Methinks I see through a cover-up. - Shanette.

  6. Wow, it sounds like you guys are having an incredible journey! Your days certainly seem more exciting than mine - being at school all day and doing homework all evening...
    Enjoy your last stretch!
    - Emma

  7. Well done all, and thanks for a good yarn about it all. Billy would have loved to put his old Simonis against you to liven things up, but they just didn't have all their cookies in the jar for the start. :-)

  8. Wow! You must almost be able to smell Rio now! I am very excited for you all, you have had a fantastic race. We have loved the Blogs You all have fantastic imaginations and we have enjoyed the laughs so much. Congratulations to an amazing family - looking forward to seeing you back in SA.

  9. We can almost smell The Robinsons here in South America....! Hurry up, pretty Ciao are at the front line!!!!
    Congrats, you've made it great one more time!
