One of the greatest parts about the last race was the number of people we reached and connected with through the blog and the race, from new friends to old friends to total strangers. So if you know of anyone who might be interested in what we're doing, please share, and invite, and include...

The blog from our 2011 race can be found at

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Quick update

The Robinson family and everyone at Team Ciao Bella would like to express their condolences to the crew and family of Bille. This does come a quite a shock and detail surrounding this is limited. More information will follow as soon as we receive anything.
On a positive note, the weather is much calmer and swells are down. The days ahead look to be much better and with a morning breeze passing us by.
Thank you to everyone following. We are working through the connectivity issues and will be on touch soon.


  1. Mike we enjoy the RSG chats !
    It make up for the lack of Afrikaans on Ciao Bella - can you post a pic of the Albatrosses ?

    Chris + Gehard

  2. If they have an HF SSB radio and a laptop on board, they could have used the free RMS Express software for HF radio email to 5 new land stations around them. Very trustworthy setup.

    kc9sgv AT gmail dott com

  3. Following you! Glad you are okay and going strong. Love to you all. Tersia Venter, Carletonville.

  4. A special message from Jean Middle.

    Bon Voyage! May the Robinson family have a successful race. I saw all the news in the newspapers and will be following your progress.

    Good Luck!

    Jean Middle.

  5. Q 3: If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
    Q 4: Is there ever a day that mattresses are NOT on sale?
    regards Reyn and Elzabe.

  6. To all on Ciao Bella, pleased your ride is not too rough. With you all the way.
    from Gailforce

  7. I am not enjoying the silence! But I do see you are sailing so well and are right up there. Dying to get some news from you - hope the water is lasting out! May fair winds be at your back. Viv Rossaak

  8. Bly julle is weer op die lug. Ons volg ook die RSG uitsendings getrou. Stel die wekker sodat ons dit nie mis nie. Groete.
